Original creation by
Samuel ALBERT,
Top Chef 2019 winner,
Restaurant Les Petits Prés, Angers, France
Recipe for 10 people
Recipe preparation : 20 mns
Cooking : 3h
Making the recipe : 3h20
1 full pork belly
300 g caster sugar
2 oinions
1 garlic
5 g Sichuan pepper
25 cl soya sauce
1 bay leaf
50 cl water
30 cl Cointreau® 60% vol.
2 oranges
1. Rince the pork belly under clear water, peel and chop in big
pieces oinions and garlic. Cut the oranges into three parts
2. Strip the top fat of the pork belly with a sharp knife blade.
3. In an oven tray, spread the oinions, garlic, bay leaf and sugar.
Add the pork belly.
4. Sprinkle with water, 25 cl of Cointreau®, then add the soya
sauce. Finish by the Sichuan pepper.
5. Bake in the oven at 140°C for 3 hours without covering.
6. When all is cooked, take out the bones by hand and strain
the sauce.
7. Add the remaining of Cointreau® (5 cl) and serve the sauce
in a separate pot.
8. Serve the pork belly in a serving tray with roasted potatoes
or green vegetables.