Recettes de chef

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ORIGINAL chefs’recipes

Hundreds of chefs’recipes

RÉMY COINTREAU GASTRONOMIE has always promoted its brands of excellence through recipes created by internationally renowned chefs, who use them as real culinary flavours. Our library of over 300 sweet and savory creations is freely accessible on our website. It is constantly being enriched to offer you new possibilities.

Savoury recipes

The story begins, it’s true, in the pastry of Adolphe and Edouard-Jean Cointreau, who, through the creation of their famous orange liqueur, wanted to flavour their entremets and chocolates. That’s why our culinary flavours have mainly inspired sweet cuisine. However, under the influence of international consumers, they now extend to savory cuisine. Cointreau, for example, brings a delicate, fruity freshness to dishes such as raw fish, prawns and foie gras. Get inspired by the trends!


The CAKETAIL concept, dreamed up by RÉMY COINTREAU GASTRONOMIE, brings together bartenders and cooking chefs or pastry chefs in an original challenge: to create original tastings around a cocktail and a savory or sweet finger food. The aim? Create new combinations of flavours to offer unique taste experiences!
The Caketail is therefore a new consumer offering, similar to tea time or café gourmand, with an appealing originality, such as the Cointreau Margarita, created by pastry chef Manuel BOUILLET.

Precious ingredients in your chocolates

What are the strengths of our brands? 
• Their unique flavors, such as Cointreau, whose bitter-sweet orange note blends perfectly with chocolate, creating a rich, complex combination of tastes.
• Their aromatic power : for example, the delicate aromas of gingerbread, candied apricots and dates in St-Rémy brandy blend harmoniously with chocolate.
• Their predominant role in textures: adding Cointreau to your ganaches and fillings makes them smoother and more melt-in-the-mouth.
• Their elegance: brands of excellence, signs of refinement!
• Last but not least, our spirits act as a natural preservative, prolonging the life of your chocolates.

In the kingdom of desserts

French patisserie, a culinary treasure trove, has conquered taste buds the world over. Discover the diversity and richness of tastes, enhanced by our culinary flavours, in our wide range of dessert recipes.
There are the great classic recipes, handed down from generation to generation: babas, bûches, cakes, choux, entremets… to which our Ambassadors have added their own modern, elegant and refined touch. The Cointreau blood orange baba by pastry chef Aurélien Trottier is just one example of a recipe brilliantly revisited.
There are also some original creations, including the Old Fashioned brownie with Mount Gay rum by Jean-Michel Perruchon, M.O.F. pâtissier, inspired by both the famous cocktail and the traditional American brownie.
Bonus for many recipes: a video as if you were present at the chef’s demonstration!
Recipes now in your hands.


These recipes include Johnny Chen’s creations: Cointreau brioche, St-Rémy bun, Mount Gay raisin rolls, … all prepared according to the rules of the art and sublimated by this World Champion baker.